On 27/09/2018 11:39, ajt1...@gmail.com wrote:

There's quite a lot of "maxweight:conditional" in OSM too, presumably for the same signs where people think they apply to buses too.  I'd agree with what's previously been said in that I don't think the "lorry" sign on it's own applies to buses (but would be happy to be proved wrong on that).

You're right, it doesn't apply to buses.

The HGV restriction sign isn't really a weight restriction at all. It's a vehicle category restriction. Obviously, HGVs, by definition, are heavy vehicles, but the reasons for imposing the restriction are generally unrelated to weight. It's more to do with size, congestion, pollution and impact on other road users. And they're usually conditional, because the aim is to minimise rather than eliminate HGVs on the affected roads. In particular, it's typically done to prevent the roads being used as a through route by HGVs, while still allowing deliveries to premises within the restriction.

Genuine maximum weight signs, applicable to all vehicles, are rarely conditional. Those are typically used where there is a safety-related need to restrict vehicle weight (eg, a weak bridge), so conditional exceptions would defeat the object.


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