On 09/11/2018 19:49, Chris Hill wrote:
I maintain a GB postcode overlay, based on the Codepoint Open datasets. This was last updated using the August 2018 data. I expect another update shortly. You can see postcodes on a map I provide or use the overlay tiles in your favourite editor. More details can be found here:

This is a fantastic resource, thank you for making and maintaining it. I've been using it for a couple of weeks and almost enjoyed tagging postcodes! Sadly, osm.org doesn't seem to make use of addr:postcode tags and maps.me is painfully slow when searching for them. But that's a bit of a chicken and egg problem, I guess, as there are still not many postcodes in the database.

I found it useful to highlight buildings and nodes tagged with addr:postcode. Otherwise it is very easy to lose track of what building have already been tagged. Below is a JOSM map paint style that does that and displays the existing postcodes:


If you find any problems please let me know.

Not really problems but:

- Overlapping labels can be difficult to read. Perhaps the script could detect co-located postcodes and concatenate them.

- After the update some postcodes point to different buildings (likely centroids have changed and snapping function produces a different result). That could be a feature. It would be good to have a simultaneous access to all versions of tiles.

I also maintain a postcode layer based on the Office of National Statistics OGL postcode data (ONSPD). There is currently a problem with the way the tiles are generated, which I'm addressing. I believe Codepoint Open and ONSPD are pretty much identical with the current postcodes, but there is much more historical data in the ONSPD data.

It would be great to have e.g. a JOSM plugin combining address information from open sources and making it easy (ideally with a single click) to annotate postcodes and/or street names.

Many thanks,


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