On 28 January 2019 06:17:04 GMT+08:00, David Woolley 
<for...@david-woolley.me.uk> wrote:
>On 27/01/2019 21:21, Colin Smale wrote:
>> Organisation         Organisation Name               60      n/a
>> Department Name              60      n/a
>> Premises     Sub Building Name               30      

What about the Sub Building Name? 

>> Building Name                50      addr:housename
>> Building Number              4       addr:housenumber
>> Thoroughfare         Dependent Thoroughfare Name             60      
>This is the one that actually normally causes questions.  It is quite 
>common to have named terraces, and to have runs of maisonettes numbered
>within a name.

Good point.I would also add campuses in this category. Although I am not 100% 
sure if that's how they are classified in PAF. 

>> Dependent Thoroughfare Descriptor            20      
>> Thoroughfare Name    Street  60      addr:street
>> Thoroughfare Descriptor              20      
>> Locality     Double Dependent Locality       Small villages  35      
>> Dependent Locality           35      
>> Post town            30      addr:city
>Firstly, addr in OSM is generally postal, not geographical.  As 
>indicated elsewhere containment (or is_in) define the geographical

True, but full address would still include extra information. We can infer 
addr:country and addr:county from admin areas but everything else should be 
_possible_ to tag. 

>Secondly, in practice the only parts of the address you need are the 
>detailed destination point code and the post code.  However, I 
>discovered that the postie on the beat also needs the street name to 
>avoid having to look it up from the postcode.

It should still be possible to encode a typical full address with tags. 
Sometimes people will want extract the full address from OSM, sometimes they 
will want to search for a part of it. Even if someone is searching for a house 
number and a postcode alone it is useful to see if e.g. a street name of the 
result matches expectations. 

Best wishes,

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