On 28/01/2019 17:28, Lester Caine wrote:
The reality is that for the UK ALL we need is the Postcode to supply a reference to the Royal Mail 'postal address' as that is purely a Royal Mail invention anyway.  I personally don't see the need to add 'addr:street' everywhere but that is what people seem to prefer. Adding several more addr: fields to EVERY building is just taking things too far?

There are certainly occasions when the street name is needed. For example, I recently surveyed a single postcode (DE72 2HP) containing two houses with the same house name, but different street names.  Postcodes do sometimes cover two streets in rural areas. In these cases one might technically be a subsidiary street, but it's often not obvious which one.

More generally, if we only included the postcode surely there would often be no way to discover the correct street without referring to closed proprietary data, and a key motivation for adding addresses to OSM is to avoid that.

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