On 31/01/2019 10:33, Andy Mabbett wrote:

I am looking to tag dropped kerbs in two circumstances; in places that
look like this:


Sometimes, there are two crossings adjacent, or nearly adjacent,
making a place convenient as an informal crossing point for
wheelchairs, pushchairs, barrows, etc.

Often, however, there is a dropped kerb on one side, but not the
other, That's still useful info someone needs to drop off a wheelchair
user, for example.

Footway crossovers can be legally blocked by permission of the occupier of the property for which they were provided. Also they are not necessarily in places where it would be safe for a pedestrian to cross.

I'd suggest this is overmapping, and any attempt to map a pedestrian crossing at the point would be subjective.

Dropped kerbs for pedestrians are placed at safe places, albeit generally only near junctions, and it is illegal to block them.

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