On 27/04/2019 18:10, Martin Wynne wrote:
barrier=stile seems unhelpful to me if rendered as a normal stile symbol, for walkers needing to know if they will have to climb any.

I'd use a "step_count" tag for how many steps there are ("steps" has also been used, often by me, but is probably less appropriate).  See:


I'd be more than happy to add a different sorts of stile icons to map.atownsend.org.uk .  It'd just need 3 new icons for each new style of stile at https://github.com/SomeoneElseOSM/openstreetmap-carto-AJT/tree/master/symbols and some way of telling them apart at https://github.com/SomeoneElseOSM/SomeoneElse-style/blob/master/style.lua#L3070 .  All contributions gratefully received!

Best Regards,


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