I've made the REPD dataset browsable on a map here, which should make
it easier to correlate with OSM: https://repd.russss.dev/repd/repd


On Thu, 11 Apr 2019 at 11:00, SK53 <sk53....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll quickly add my responses on the thread:
> REPD issues. All of Rob's points taken, but we mustn't forget that OSM data 
> have always been acquired and refined iteratively. Of course data from REPD 
> has to be taken with a pinch of salt, but at least for now it's very useful 
> for hunting for missing installations. In practice I've found most REPD 
> installations relatively easy to resolve (but see below for an exception). 
> Russ does compute a power output for those sites which don't have the output 
> explicitly tagged, so there is the potential to compare the REPD output and a 
> computed value based on area.
> ML & Solar Farms. Tyler Busby has been working to identify rooftop solar 
> using machine learning. He has a MapRoulette challenge running for Austn 
> Texas at the moment. I imagine it might be possible to reuse some of his 
> techniques to identify individual rows of panels within solar farms, which 
> could improve power estimation from OSM data.
> Sections in Installations.  Exceptions, such as single installations with 
> multiple sites certainly exist too. I recently mapped panels on the site of 
> the former Asfordby super pit. There are two groups of panels which a 
> Geograph photographer calls, on the basis of photos of ancillary electrical 
> plant, Asfordby A and Asfordby B. There are also photos of Asfordby C. As 
> usual more can be learned from on-the-ground visits, but as above this is for 
> future refinement.
> Rooftop angles. I had a futile attempt to try & calculate roof angles from 
> Lidar data. The 1 m resolution doesn't seem to be adequate. Maximum roof 
> height is more reliable (available for instance via the  dataset). Estimating 
> the height of eaves can be done from Lidar, but it's fairly fuzzy. I think 
> using rules of thumb for different periods of construction may be just as 
> fruitful (perhaps 9 foot ceilings for pre-WWII, 8 foot for interwar housing, 
> and 7 foot 6 thereafter, with 1-1.5 feet between floors). Counting courses of 
> bricks would give a more precise measure and only needs to be done for basic 
> ranges of housing. Most local archives are likely to have architects drawings 
> for houses built as council housing which is perhaps a third of the total 
> stock. However a basic estimation of eave level from 5-6 m will not be hugely 
> out. See next bullet for a suitable tag.
> Other tags. After much faffing about, and on Russ' advice, I have now moved 
> to using location=roof instead of generator:place or generator:location. This 
> doesn't work if the generator tags are placed on the building as is the case 
> for some places in the West Midlands, but as these result in gross 
> over-estimation of likely output I'd regard this as an interim stage of 
> mapping. I'm still using generator:orientation, but this may also be more 
> unwieldy than required, and obviously relates to solar installations only. 
> Modules are tagged generator:solar:modules which at least unambiguously shows 
> that it relates to the panels, so despite the unwieldiness something similar 
> for angle would be clear. (As an aside I don't think we have any UK solar 
> farms with panels mounted on heliostats, but they certainly exist in Spain, 
> for instance at Almaraz).
> Power tagging. One thing which has become clear is in mapping groups of 
> panels within a solar farm and retagging the outline as power=plant isthat 
> the use of generator: and plant: tags is unfortunate. Most of them would work 
> just fine as they were originally with power.
> Solar arrays vs solar panels. The current tagging largely seems to fail to 
> distinguish between a large array of solar panels and single panels 
> consisting of a few modules. I really don't think we want to end up having to 
> map each group of panels individually so it would be nice to have a better 
> way of distinguishing them other than location=roof and overall area. Perhaps 
> less than half the area of an array of panels will be the actual footprint of 
> panels. Also I'd be unsurprised if some don't map solar-powered rubbish bins, 
> parking meters, road signs with power=generator too.
> Lastly big thanks to Jez, Dan, and especially Russ for his updates to 
> OpenInfraMap which really help with the mapping.
> Jerry
> On Wed, 10 Apr 2019 at 23:01, Dan S <danstowell+...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Thanks for the comments on solar panel mapping. (Plenty of mapping
>> happening already: thousands of UK solar panels added to the database
>> in the past month.) A few small responses:
>> I'll defer to Russ's tagging advice about solar farms: power=plant
>> polygon (or sometimes multipolygon) as the outline of a solar farm,
>> with power=generator areas contained within it for the blocks of
>> panels. Previously, I was mapping solar farms as relations, but I'm
>> easily persuaded!
>> I don't have any advice about landuse/landcover other than that it's a
>> fairly separate issue, since those tags are not essential to the solar
>> power mapping.
>> I've been adding some solar farms that are listed in the REPD list on
>> the wiki. For those ones I've used a tag "repd:id=*" which I hope
>> makes it easy to identify them using the ID number in that database.
>> Some solar farms have more than one entry in the REPD (they submit a
>> new application form when they have an expansion).
>> For various reasons, if we can get solar installations mapped as areas
>> not just nodes, that'll be helpful. Areas will be more useful than
>> module-counting. However, I've noted that the imagery doesn't always
>> make this easy for rooftop solar: clarity is variable per region.
>> Is there any good way to tag the vertical tilt of a panel? I know in
>> many cases we won't be able to measure it well, but I thought I'd ask.
>> For example, there's roof:angle=* for the slope of a roof, which is a
>> mildly related concept.
>> Cheers
>> Dan
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