On 2019-06-01 13:26, Andy Townsend wrote:

On 01/06/2019 11:11, Jez Nicholson wrote:
Brighton has also just gained a sidewalk https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/JAn which i'm not overly impressed with....or am I being a Luddite?

I personally wouldn't map sidewalks in a dense UK city like that (though some people do, with the intention of micromapping all the dropped kerbs etc.).  It's perhaps worth mentioning that at least some of the sidewalk edits there are by someone who has tended to contribute well-meaning but not entirely accurate edits from afar - it took me lots of additional surveys of Sutton in Ashfield* to verify that many of their previous "roads" simply weren't.

At first glance quite a lot of joins seem to be missing, and some shops were located between the sidewalk and the road (which you've just fixed).  Maybe if you're going to add a certain level of detail, you can't just ignore everything else on the map, although it's pretty common to do updates in stages - when mapping rural areas I'll often do streams first (armchair), then roads and paths (survey) then extra detail such as field boundaries, gates, stiles etc. (a mix of both).

Best Regards,


* you could therefore perhaps describe it as "successful armchair mapping" :)

I certainly concur that sidewalk mapping is not for the armchair. I tried, then going out to "just verify" and found that I was hopelessly inaccurate. It defeats the point, to get a highly accurate localised network for folks who might depend on it.


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