I too have encountered a number of Notes that have been addressed, but not 
formally "Resolved".  (e.g. the name of a business marked on a building that 
now has that name tagged)  I surmise that this is because (in the iD editor, at 
least) the Notes are not visible when in Edit mode, so the mapper adding the 
business name may be unaware that someone else has created a Note, suggesting a 
Could this be changed to make all open Notes appear in the iD Edit window?  How 
could I request it?


    On Tuesday, 24 September 2019, 13:56:09 BST, Tom Hukins <t...@eborcom.com> 
 On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 01:24:49PM +0100, Michael Booth wrote:
> Think there should also be an effort to open notes for some fixmes which 
> require a survey, as many go unnoticed.

I'm not an extremely active mapper, but I often encounter fixmes that
have already been fixed and notes that have already been dealt with, but
the note or fixme remains open.

It's easy enough to close the note, or delete the fixme, but the risk of
the duplication you suggest is that mappers need to edit more stale
information as time passes.

If mappers follow the approach you suggest, it would be very helpful to
ensure the new notes refer to the existing fixmes, and the fixmes are
edited to refer to the new notes.


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