
I've been using MapThe Paths for the last year to add my local ROW's to OSM - I find it a great help. If we can get all of the data into OSM it will enable all ROW users to identify in one source of ROWs and NOT.ROWs. This is important as I have identified several paths which perhaps should be ROW's or diversions not correctly mapped by the Highway Authority.

People provide walkers maps based on OSM - they are very useful when ROW's are correctly referenced, the route planning can go ahead with increased confidence that the route will not be contentious by routing over a private road/track.

I would like missing paths to be a regular feature until 2026, its our heritage some of which can only be identified by mapping.

Perhaps working nationally and with local Ramblers groups (another project) could a conduit be formed to enable ramblers to identify changes needed to the map (perhaps by listing tags and possible values).

Technically on MapThePaths can an option be made available to show  highways (roads) as an optional overlay to help identify ways which perhaps should be included in OSM but are not.


Tony Shield


On 30/09/2019 18:25, Nick Whitelegg wrote:

Was just thinking whether it would be worth us (as in OSM UK) resurrecting the 'missing paths for 2026' project?

A quick reminder - we have until 2026 to record historical rights of way which have fallen out of use in recent times, and the combination of OSM, council data and historical map layers (which I have been granted access to by NLS for MapThePaths) would be a good way to identify possible missing paths.

I made a start on this about a year ago, here's a quck mock-up showing council data in colours and OSM paths shown in white as a 'tippex' effect. This allows the identification of historical 'F.P' footpaths on the historical maps which do not correspond either to current council RoWs or current OSM paths, and thus would be candidates for investigation to see if the path is in a usable state or there is evidence of use.


Obviously it's perhaps not the best time of year to launch an outdoor project - but the next few months would be a good time to develop the project ready for use in the spring.

Anyone keen to work on this?
Gitlab: https://gitlab.com/nickw1/mapthepaths/


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