On 04/11/2019 18:19, Edward Bainton wrote:
(much snippage)
Sustrans appear to have moved the NCN routes off their own site altogether (perhaps not news to you), and link directly to osmaps.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/ncn <http://osmaps.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/ncn>. The behaviour is pretty horrible - eg, can't cope with more than one NCN/LCN route on a given stretch of road, which the OpenCycleMap layer does very nicely. OTOH there's a link to a route description and to buy the Sustrans paper map. I've no experience of these.

Just to throw in a local anecdote as an aside, as I understand it Sustrans near Derby changed their mapping to match what was in OSM because (a) what we had was a better representation of the signage on the ground and (b) it was a better route for cyclists!

Best Regards,


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