Click on 'Analysis on map'

All bits with a marker need looking at, plus roundabouts require splitting as the bus doesn't go all the way around.

This one looks like a right mess given the loop with the bus stop is one way.


On 05/11/2019 22:51, Edward Bainton wrote:
What do I do about a fixme on a relation?

A bus route near me says fixme=check relation plus members - appears broken

Presumably 'broken' means the route has gaps in it?

On Thu, 24 Oct 2019 at 21:18, Rob Nickerson <>

So far I have looked at two regions in the UK for fixmes: Warwickshire and
the North West.

In Warwickshire it can be difficult to resolve the fixmes as most (but not
all) require a lot of work. I found a completely different story in the
North West. I found a good number of fixmes there which had already been
resolved and therefore all I had to do was remove the redundant fixme=*
tag. I also found a lot of fixme tags that could be resolved just by using
the latest aerial imagery and/or GPS traces. Once again it has been a
reminder of the differences between places within a few hours of each other.

As for adding new fixme tags, I personally haven't needed to do this yet.
I am curious as to where "peak fixme" lies. If we had 10% more contributors
would we end up with 10% more fixme tags or do you eventually get to a a
point where you turn the corner and start ticking off all these quality
assurance issues?

P.S. The number of Notes is on the up again as well. There are a lot of
good descriptions in the Notes that can be used to update the map. Check
them out at

Best regards,
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