On 01/01/2020 05:11, Warin wrote:

I would map the area around the road as

I would do the same for the lane/track between farm fields, while it supports the use of the farm it is not a field.

Thanks, but the problem is that landuse=highway is not a valid tag. Voting on it was suspended in 2013 after several votes against, see:


However, I have discovered that highway=track, *area=yes* is valid - as evidence of that it is rendered on the standard map as a light brown infill between the fences with the existing highway=track as a routable way superimposed over it, in darker brown.

It seems odd to have highway=track twice, but if that's what it takes to have a meaningful mapping for an area of land, I'm happy to do it that way. Presumably the developers of the standard map know what they are doing.

So I seem to have answered my own question, thanks all for the replies.



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