Hi Dave,

I agree with what you suggest. Can we be a bit precise though about
what you propose? You're proposing to remove amenity=university from
building=university in Cambridge, and make no other tagging changes?

(Ironically, the current tagging makes it hard for me to search to see
if there's a "proper" amenity=university in there somewhere, e.g. as a
relation or area covering a large swathe of them.)


Op di 4 feb. 2020 om 14:15 schreef Dave F via Talk-GB
> Hi
> There was a discussion 5 years ago. There may have been others.
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-gb/2015-May/017455.html
> Many amenity=university tags were added unnecessarily to building=yes
> A contributor had converted these to building=university, in accordance
> with the wiki. https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:building%3Duniversity
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/40649767
> This allows the removal of the amenity tags without loss of data.
> The user who created his disparate tagging schema has had plenty of time
> to rectify.  I think this should be performed now.
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