Here are some ideas to get us started. Happy for anyone to pick these up
and run with them. If you do, please let me know otherwise I may raise some

*Design and production of a series of leaflets. *
I really liked the Wikimedia leaflets that were handed out at the OSM UK
AGM in London. We borrowed the style to create a leaflet in advance of the
MOVE 2020 conference. This one is corporate focused and hence we could do
with a series of leaflets targeting different audiences (Wikimedia had 2
leaflets at our AGM).

*Costs related to hosting.*
I'm pretty sure quite a few people would appreciate this.

*Software projects.*
I'm hoping we can come up with a few ideas here too. Personally I am
finding myself using my laptop less and less and doing a lot more on my
phone. A few of the OSM websites I use don't work that well on mobile so it
may be nice to see some changes here. I'm expecting others to have much
better ideas than me here though! :-D

- *Merchandise (swag) to recognize exceptional volunteer contributions, or
low-cost swag.*
- Subsidizing the cost of the hi-vis jacket scheme run by OSM UK.

- *Funding for shared mapping equipment.*
- What about a drone? Some bike and car mounts to help us collect more
Mapillary / OpenStreetCam imagery?

That's my starter for ten. Looking forward to seeing your ideas.

Thank you,

On Sun, 19 Apr 2020 at 17:17, Rob Nickerson <>

> Hi all,
> The OSMF launched their microgrant scheme today. Value is up to EUR 5000
> (GBP 4,300) and projects can last up to 12 months.
> Anyone wishing to submit a proposal "should discuss with the relevant
> local communities" and apparently "must consult with your Local Chapter if
> applicable".
> I'm not sure what that last point means. If it means the board then you
> can reach us on If it means the wider membership then I
> suggest posting here or to our Loomio group. We are happy to collate and
> send a mailchimp newsletter to all our OSM UK members to ensure they get
> the messages (as not sure if all read this list or Loomio).
> Moving on from the admin, what ideas do you have? :-)
> Best wishes
> *Rob*
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