Hi folks,

By way of lockdown procrastination, I started looking at place nodes
in London. The main things which were annoying me are:

* The presence of a few archaic place names which were presumably
derived from NPE or other historic maps but are generally out of use
* A surprisingly large number of place names present in OS StreetView
are unmapped on OSM.
* Most places in London are tagged as place=suburb, regardless of
their size/importance. This issue especially is annoying me quite a
lot now I've started noticing it.

I started demoting some place=suburbs to place=quarter, and promoting
one or two of them to place=town (as this seems to be almost
universally used as the next level up from suburb in London), when it
was pointed out that it's probably worth discussing this.

These place tags are quite subjective, especially because they
frequently get used for reasons which don't really tie in with their
name, and wiki is pretty vague about their definition, so I don't
think we can avoid some level of tagging for the renderer here.

I think it would be useful to document which of these tags we want to
use in London, and ideally some kind of heuristic for where to use

I've generated a list of all place nodes within Greater London and the
City, by type:


Russ Garrett

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