On 05/07/2020 17:45, Kai Michael Poppe - OSM wrote:
On 05.07.2020 17:51, Andy Mabbett wrote:

I've set up a quick slippy map with the UPRN locations shown:

https://osm.mathmos.net/addresses/uprn/ (zoom in to level 16 to show the data)

Naive question - can that be added as a layer in JOSM? If so, how?

Yes and no. The UPRN data is also available as a GeoPackage (just like
USRN), yet when I tried this morning, I was unable to make to GeoServer
deliver the data correctly.

Just out of interest, is there any simple way to export data from GeoPackage (eg, to GML or GeoJSON) via the command line on Linux? I've tried ogr2ogr, but that doesn't seem to recognise GeoPackage as a source. I can do it manually by loading it into QGIS desktop and then exporting it, but I'd prefer something I can automate.


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