Hi all,

First of all, I would like to introduce myself on this email list and to
thank you all for your contributions to OSM. Great work!

After some time using OSM as a user, I decided to make my first step as a
contributor, hence this email and the proposal inside.

Please bear in mind that this is my first attempt to contribute with a
proposal and, although I have done my best reading the community
conventions and best practices, I am sure I have made some mistakes on the
way. Be merciful! :P

To the point now.

I am importing a subset of nodes from UK (those tagged with amenity:pub)
for a pet project.

When analysing the data I realised that some of these nodes contain a
website: tag that does not contain an appropriate URL schema (http/https).

Ie: www.mypub.com rather than http://www.mypub.com or https://www.mypub.com

This goes in contradiction with the Wiki documentation for website.

I created a proposal for a one-off, scoped, automated edit for these nodes
to find the appropiate scheme for the existing URL and retag the nodes.

I added the proposal to the Automated edits log. You can read it here

Just wanted to share the proposal with the UK community, gather your
feedback, comments and advises on how to proceed from here

Thanks in advance!

Rodrigo Díez Villamuera

w: http://rodrigodiez.io
t: @rodrigodiez_pro
p: 00 44 7513 638225
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