
Tx for bringing this up Ivan & great Kate for removing those: the SAR worked
as a reference grid at the onset of the quake until OCHA rolled out its
PCODES and SSID (UUID) late January.

Health Facilities
Thanks Karl for your heads up, I am copying Severin who worked in Haiti for
the Health Cluster the 2 past weeks in DB reconciliation to hear about the
scope of his DB reconciliation work and the relation he had with Shoreland
I think that once reconciled and a joint Health Fac datamodel established
bridging between PAHO / Shoreland and Health Cluster, OSM will be the *de
facto* point of truth for this layer
Neat Severin if you can step in and advice on how to move forward at best
leveraging on your work
Great Karl if you can get the same insight from Bill Lang
Thanks for your help on this and looking fwd to pursue this data import work
with you


2010/6/19 Kate Chapman <>

> Thanks Iván I was going to clear those out.  Good to hear someone else
> has the same opinion, I'll go ahead and do that.
> -Kate
> 2010/6/19 Iván Sánchez Ortega <>:
> >> Those releases will make OSM data outdated and will call for withdrawing
> >> osm data for all objects (but Health Facs which will desserve a specific
> >> treatment)  and run a bulk uploads
> > [...]
> >
> >
> > Speaking of imports and cleaning up...
> >
> > A long while ago I uploaded some Search-and-Rescue zones:
> >
> >
> > I just want to call this for your attention; they should be cleaned up
> >
> >
> > Best,
> > --
> > ----------------------------------
> > Iván Sánchez Ortega <>
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Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
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