On 28 October 2014 00:35, Conor Jones <co...@malinbeg.com> wrote:

> I've encountered a few strange occurrence last-night on my maps where the
> one townland is spilt across 2 dis-joined areas
> I shouldn't use the OSI link but I can't find a method for linking to an
> area on the TCD sheets

You can use http://maps.openstreetmap.ie/oocmaps.html so send links for
GSGS map locations


> You'll see that that small townlands of Cappagh and the bordering townland
> of Croaghlin are marked as "part of ..." the larger townlands of the same
> name just off to the West

In my above link you can also see (with a bit of squinting!)  that the ARP
(Acres, rood, perches) of  Croaghlin is given as:
300A 3R 22P
Including 3A 3R 6P water
              4A 3R 10P det. portion

The clue here is   4A 3R 10P detached portion.

The other 'Part of Croaghlin' detached section at:

also says 4A 3R 10P so you know this is the afore-mentioned detached

As already stated in this thread you should add all the sections to the
same relation with role outer.

Hope this helps,

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