Hello talk-ie@openstreetmap.org

I'm working on a project for work which involves faffing about on a lake here
in Ireland in a boat. What I'm doing is working on pulling NMEA Data off the
boat's CAN Bus into a computer.

The boat has a few sesnors on it, depth, GPS and will have water Temp, if not
more. There is a Garmin Display which has a maps on it for navigation. I'm
putting a RaspberyPi with a screen on the boat for something else but I was
just thinking that I could actually stick a map on the RaspberryPi as well and
use that instead of the garmin. Get rid of one screen. I've used Navit in a
previous project years ago which I think used OpenStreetMaps, but I might be

This could only replace the Garmin if the maps had depth data for the
lake. Even if the OpenStreetMap doesn't have lake water depth maybe I could
write a script to collect that data for the OSM Project? I had a look at the
OSM maps online and there don't seem to be any water depth data so is data
collection of interest?


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