On 14 July 2015 22:51:42 GMT+01:00, Dave Corley <davecor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>The size of those polygons would be too large to be of much use to
>anyone for anything I fear.

The routing key alone can in theory help uniquify an adress, but I  dont know 
how often that's true.

>I had a play around on the eircode site tonight and it's honestly going
>be a mess to ever make use of the data especially when it comes to
>apartment buildings where you will have dozens of Eircodes inside it.

Yeah, and of course all the letterboxes in those appartments will be labeled 
with their coresponding eircode to avoid confusion... Or one could write the 
name of the recipcient (madness !) and that way any of the building's eircodes 
can be used to reach any of the buiding's appartments :p

>They did well designing it this way, ensures that it will be such a
>burden to maintain that it's unlikely to ever be opened up. Future
>revenues guaranteed.

There's still hope that the crapyness is obvious enough that eventually nobody 
will continue using eircode. Next time I'm sending a snailmail I'll put an 
openpostcode on the envelope.
Vincent Dp

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