On 29/11/2019, Donal Hunt <donal.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The latest major revision of WGS 84 is also referred to as "Earth
> Gravitational Model 1996" (EGM96), first published in 1996, with revisions
> as recent as 2004. This model has the same reference ellipsoid as WGS 84,
> but has a higher-fidelity geoid (roughly 100 km resolution versus 200 km
> for the original WGS 84).

Hopefully the 2004 revision is close enough to the 1996 one, as it
seems that osm is defaulting to 1996.

> The tl;dr is that you need to reference which model your peak height is
> measured against. EGM96 is preferred (I'm assuming) because it has higher
> definition and more refined model.

AIUI from the wiki and taginfo, in an OSM context, the naked "ele" tag
refers to EGM96, and there are subtags like "ele:wgs84" or even
"ele:local" for "whatever's printed on the local signpost".

I've figured out the overpass query I had in mind:
https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/OCb but it finds basically every peak we
have with an elevation.

See also 
which complains the the issue ireland-wide, and notes that the osm
data in other countries is fine.

All the mountainviews imports basically have
ele:local/ele_local/ele:tm75 (3 keys with first value) and
ele/ele:wgs84 (two tags with second value). I couldn't find a
definition of the "tm75" coordinate system that we got from the
mountainview export, I'm guessing this is an irish-specific
coordinates system, and I have doubts that it is equivalent to the
egm96 that we would like.

At this point, I have a few questions:
* Are the "tm75" values usable for the naked "ele" tag ?
* If not, can we convert tm75 to egm96 ?
* As a bonus, I think we should remove "ele_local" where we already
have "ele:local"
* Is it ok to edit 790 as a single changeset (once we agreed with the
changes) or do we want to check each individually ?

* Second bonus (probably for a second stage): is there's any point in
keeping the iemv:* tags ? Might have been a requirement for the import
? It was done in 2009, maybe it's time to see if they have updated


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