
This email is off-list. Thank you for the feedback - I'll wait for more people 
to comment before I answer your questions..

In the Republic of Ireland, religion is fairly all-pervasive in schools. 
Religious organisations own the vast majority of schools, school boards pray at 
the start of board meetings, there are crucifixes in most classrooms, teachers 
need to be certified to teach religion or it is difficult to get a job, there 
are no Sunday schools. Inter-Denominational and Multi-Denominational schools 
only account for 5% of schools and 7% of students. Non-Denominational schools 
are essentially non-existent. The religious organisations subvert the 
Department of Education.

Northern Ireland isn't much different.

The below data is for primary schools in the Republic of Ireland.


        Mainstream Schools      %       Special Schools %       Total   %
Catholic                      2,760     88.9%           105     78.4%      
2,865        88.4%
Church Of Ireland                        172    5.5%            0.0%          
172       5.3%
Inter Denominational                        17  0.5%                 1  0.7%    
         18     0.6%
Jewish                        1         0.0%            0.0%               1    
Methodist                             1         0.0%            0.0%            
   1    0.0%
Multi Denominational                     136    4.4%              19    14.2%   
      155       4.8%
Muslim                        2         0.1%            0.0%               2    
Presbyterian                        16  0.5%            0.0%             16     
Quaker                        1         0.0%            0.0%               1    
Other/Unknown                                9  6.7%               9    0.3%
Total                 3,106     100.0%          134     100.0%     3,240        


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2020 15:04:55 +0100 (CET)
From: Mateusz Konieczny <matkoni...@tutanota.com>
Cc: "talk-ie@openstreetmap.org" <talk-ie@openstreetmap.org>
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk-ie] religion=* and denomination=*
Message-ID: <mken3bu--...@tutanota.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Disclaimer: I never visited Ireland

27 paź 2020, 14:41 od colmmoor...@hotmail.com:

> 3.  Holy wells, mass rocks and the like. These are predominantly Roman 
> Catholic, but possibly with pagan origins.
Are they still used by pagans/new age people? For OSM purposes current usage 
matters, not origins.

> 4.  Some objects have dual tagging, e.g. religion=christian;pagan or 
> denomination=protestant;roman_catholic Are people happy to have such tagging?
If say church is shared by Roman Catholic parish and Protestant congregation 
and not
used by other denominations then denomination=protestant;roman_catholic is 100% 

>  5.  Many religious-run schools do not have the religion or denomination 
> tagged.
It is a bit tricky as at least some religious-run schools have absolutely no 
trace of religion
in running of school, there is simply a religious owner/operator.

In such cases operator:type=religious would fit better than religion tag

>  8.  There are religion=no, religion=none and denomination=none tags. Should 
> these tags be rationalised or otherwise tidied up?
How this tags are used?

denomination=none seems fine for say ecumenical chapel used by all kinds of 
of a given religion...

> multifaith 47 <----------------
This may be actually valid.


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