On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 9:12 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves <law...@au-kbc.org>wrote:

> On Tuesday 16 Dec 2008 12:01:39 am PlaneMad wrote:
> > has onyone interacted with the SOI yet or may have an update on this?
> read somewhere that ISRO is also coming out with satellite images and maps
> with much higher resolution than goog - and going to put them in public
> domain.
> Will certainly help , seen images from USA and India there is marked
difference in resolution and the services goog provides . The images from
Indian ones i saw were needless to say of low res and were pretty old in
some cases were 8-10 years old. Don't know what was the reason for this,May
be they have been asked to tone down with respect to res as well as age.....

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