On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 10:49 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves <law...@au-kbc.org> wrote:
> On Sunday 14 Dec 2008 9:55:20 pm Mikel Maron wrote:
>> Judging just by this article, what these mappers were doing sounds
>> legitimate, if a bit stupid. It wouldn't surprise me if they were harassed
>> a bit by the authorities while surveying, but prosecution by the ATS! So a
>> police force also hands down judicial rulings .. quite dangerous.
> police force doesnt - idiot press reporters write rubbish. ATS can arrest, but
> the rest is in the hands of the judiciary. Gujarat is more or less under
> fascist rule, but the moment this is taken up to the supreme court, they will
> get off.
Did anybody care to read the full reports?
More than the GPS, it was the photographs of Military Airbase that
attracted attention. That is a restricted area with "Photography
prohibited" prominently posted.
I think some silly reporter latched on to GPS thingy and this got
blown out of proportion. However to be on the safe side, its indeed
prudent to be careful. The police of this country is corrupt, and
every cop will try to extract money from you one way or the other

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