On Thursday 26 Nov 2009 10:08:56 am Srikanth Lakshmanan wrote:
> >> It is not even necessary to have a GPS instrument
> >> to sketch these things in. You have an outline. Now fill in the
> >> buildings, sketch the streets, paths, gardens, trees. Even if it is not
> >> precise, when you get an instrument you can correct it.
> Even when you have instrument, it is ideal to "actually map" with the gps
> data collected *on the same day* to get a better map.Something we
> experienced through E-City Mapping party / Hosur Mapping party.Output of
> E-City map is much better. So ideally any mapping party should have minimum
> of 2 hours where participants map them out. This way new comers to party
> also get to learn how to map.

that is true - but the point I am trying to emphasise is that mapping is a 
daily activity. Every time you look at the map you can add something - a 
dustbin, a lamp post, a speed breaker on the road. You may have missed it the 
first time. And also once you have a few points marked accurately, you can add 
more points by estimating the distance - even by pacing them out if you are 
adding a series of light fixtures. And you do not need a GPS to add gates. They 
are in one of the elite engineering colleges in India - they are sure to have 
any amount of distance measuring and dimension measuring equipment.
Kenneth Gonsalves
Senior Project Officer

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