On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 1:51 AM, Mikel Maron <mikel_ma...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> The ideological assumption of OSM is that open sharing of information is
> going to strengthen the unrepresented. Yes, in practice, definitely it takes
> effort to make open data accessible and empowering to all ... that's why a 3
> week project in Kibera has grown to a 6+ month project. The empowerment
> touches on so many issues ... especially economic and educational ... and
> that's something we're starting to look at. But ultimately, my belief is
> that power is more distributed the more things are out in the open.

Mikel, is Robert Neuwirth [1][2] still based in Kibera? It'll be interesting
to know what he thinks of Map Kibera.

[1] http://squattercity.blogspot.com/
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