Hello everyone,

Really happy to announce that openstreetmap.in -
http://openstreetmap.in/ - is back and running.

Earlier today, Satyaakam, Arun, Sanjay and I put it together. It's
hosted on a server that Sanjay and I maintain along with several other
open data projects. The tiles are hosted on mapbox.com under the
openstreetmap account, updated regularly - changes to OpenStreetMap
will reflect in under 10 minutes. The style is prepared using Mapbox
Studio and is here - https://github.com/osmlab/india.tm2 If you have
feature requests or find bugs in the style, just open a ticket. Pull
requests welcome!

You can use this map in your project, the instructions are here -

We have also setup a tasking manager instance -
http://tasks.openstreetmap.in/ - to coordinate mapping events and
workshops across the country. Please reach out to the list if you need
help organising a task.


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