io ci sono!
spero interessi anche a qualcuno piu' a sud di me...cosi' la facciamo
passare dall'italia.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mike Collinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 1:44 PM
Subject: [OSM-talk] Any cyclists interested in a Grand European
Sweden-to-Marathon Mapping Relay?

This is just for fun but might also raise some useful publicity as quirky stunt.

Would any cyclist be interested in joining me in a "mapping relay"?
My legs are getting too tired trying to map national and regional
cycle ways by myself.

The idea is that we each ride and map a segment and then pass on a
baton, perhaps a GPS device, to the next person or group.  It could
take place continuously or over a period of weeks as suits you/us, but
you must greet the hand-off riders in person.

You will probably want to ride around your own region but there is
nothing to stop you joining other segments if you have a sleeping bag,
I'll be happy to put folks up at my house for my segment.

Here are the basic ideas, modifications and suggestions welcome:

- Start: Stockholm, or if there is good interest in Sweden, from the
Arctic Circle

- Finish: Ideally Marathon in Greece. Lacking Balkan riders, perhaps
Rome or Brindisi in Italy.

- When: If continuous, some time in warmer 2009 weather.  Otherwise,
we can start as soon as the Swedish segments are organised.

- Possible route: Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Holland (land of the
Bicycle!), Germany, Switzerland/Austria, Hungary,  Serbia,  F.Y.R.O.M,

- Route variations: Swing through Belgium and France? Adriatic coast:
Slovenia, Croatia ....? Have feeder relay coming from UK??

- Length of segment: Entirely up to you as long as you can connect
with someone else.

- Segment Route: Ideally along unmapped national or regional cycle
routes but the exact segment route is up to the local riders.  The
objective is fun.

- All GPX tracks to be uploaded and tagged. All new routes to be mapped.

- Does not have to be bicycle. Foot, roller-blade, kayak ... could be
added if there is interest.


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