
da oggi e per un mese sono aperte le porte per proporre città
candidate alla prossima edizione di State of the Map, l'annuale
conferenza totalmente dedicata ad OpenStreetMap, che quest'anno ha
avuto luogo a Limerick. Le date sono già fissate per l'11 e 12 luglio

L'idea è quella di proporre Trento come città ospite, utilizzando come
strutture di appoggio quelle della Fondazione Bruno Kessler.

La Fondazione Bruno Kessler, con piu' di 350 ricercatrici e
ricercatori, nasce dalla riorganizzazione dell'Istituto Trentino di
Cultura da cui eredita piu' di 30 anni di ricerca scientifica e
umanistica negli ambiti della Tecnologie dell'Informazione, dei
Materiali e Microsistemi, degli Studi Storici italo-germanici e delle
Scienze Religiose.

Che ne dite?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nick Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 4:51 PM
Subject: [OSM-talk] State of the Map 2009 - Call for Venues / Dates confirmed
To: Talk Openstreetmap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


The Call for Venues for the SOTM09 is now open.  If you want to host
the world's greatest open map fest, take a look here:

To get involved with organising, take a look here:

The dates have been fixed on the 11th - 12th July 2009.  See you all
there, wherever that may be.

"The call for venues for the State of the Map 2009 is now open.  If
you would like to be considered as a host for the event, please send
an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], with the following details:

   * Name of the group or individual applying
   * Names and email addresses of the proposed organising committee
along with a brief description of their OSM activities to date
   * Name, address and short description of the proposed conference venue
   * Why do you want to host the State of the Map 2009?
   * How will you make the State of the Map 2009 the best yet?
   * What makes your bid different from the others?
   * What will you do to raise sponsorship or other funding for the event?

The dates for the conference have been set to the 11th - 12th July
2009 - so book your time off work now!
The provisional time line is as follows:

   * 16th October - Call for venues opens
   * 16th November - Call for venues closes
   * 29th November - Successful host is notified
   * 1st  December - Venue publicly announced

If you are interested in helping out in the organizational efforts of
SOTM09, take a look at the conference wiki."

Nick Black

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