2009/9/24 Guido Piazzi <gu...@fotocaos.it>:
> On gio, 2009-09-24 at 20:18 +0200, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> > 3. landuse=wood lo boicottiamo e quindi non lo usiamo
>> va bene anche per me, ma perché non boicottiamo anche natural=wood e
>> mettiamo natural=forest invece? avere 2 valori diverse no lo trovo
>> molto intuitivo...
> Forse perché natural=wood esiste e natural=forest invece no.
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:natural

buona osservazione, viene pure usato (OSM Doc) 86804 volte.
contro landuse=forest 261855 volte
landuse=wood 683 volte

hm, non mi piace cmq.
rimane anche il dubbio sul significato: (wp:en):
"Ecologically, a woodland is an area covered in trees, usually at low
density, forming an open habitat, allowing sunlight to penetrate
between the trees, and limiting shade. Woodland may support an
understory of shrubs and herbaceous plants including grasses. Woodland
may form a transition to shrubland under drier conditions or during
early stages of primary or secondary succession. Higher densities and
areas of trees, with largely closed canopy provide extensive and
nearly continuous shade are referred to as forest."
e poi:
"Woodland is used in British woodland management to mean any smaller
area covered in trees, however dense. (Forest is usually used in the
British Isles only for more extensive wooded areas, again however
dense – and also including Royal forests, which may not be wooded at

vabe, rimangono dubbi. In Italia l'uso (tagwatch 18 sett 09) corrente è:
landuse forest 7187
natural wood 1446


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