2014-03-03 17:39 GMT+01:00 Fabrizio Tambussa <ftambu...@gmail.com>:
> It's official http://www.mapillary.com/osm.html

Mi pare una buona cosa.

Comunque in generale loro si fanno dare una licenza completa (a loro
uso e consumo) su quelle immagini:
1. Grant of Right

a. You grant Mapillary the right to use the photographs including
metadata (herinafter Content). The granted right is non exclusive. In
avoidance of doubt, the aforementioned granted rights to the Content
include, but are not limited to:

The right to modify the Content.
The right to reproduce, publish and make use of the Content an
unlimited number of times and in all media for all purposes.
The right to grant a non exclusive license to use the Content to third parties.
ma dicono anche che daranno la possibilità di rilasciare le immagini in CC-BY:


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