
l'ho contattato scrivendogli prima in Italiano, e dopo la sua risposta in
Inglese ci siamo scambiati un paio di messaggi che vi lascio qua' sotto se
avete voglia di leggerli. Non mi sembra inglese madrelingua quindi magari
e' stato in vacanza da quelle parti o ci si trova per altri motivi, pero'
mi sembra piuttosto uno che mappa molto da casa guardando Bing e servendosi
di varie fonti che trova in giro.
Non mi sembra che abbia afferrato il senso di quel che volevo dirgli visto
che mi ha preso per un burocrate e credo che abbia un approccio passionale
al mappare per il rendering.
Personalmente non credo che stia facendo grossi danni anzi mi sembra che
stia aggiungendo anche diverse cose utili, per quanto riguarda il suo
attaccamento a mettere name dentro le way, quando sistemeremo i sentieri
della Sicilia, si potranno correggere.

Se c'e' qualcuno nella zona della Sicilia che vuol dare un'occhiata piu'
approfondita o se c'e' qualcuno che puo' analizzare piu' efficacemente di
me i suoi edits per trarre conclusioni piu' corrette delle mie, fate pure.


cai or any bureaucratic cataster are no authority over osm or any
contributor of the oms. oms is not binded them in anyway whatsoever. the
tag "name" means "common name" .. and "common name" means the normal name
used in everyday life by the general public. so you need to ask the general
public for the common name. not the bureacrats. "common name" is NOT the
bureacratic or cai name or any other association name. and they have no
right to impose anything to the general public or osm. if you want to put
bureacratic names into osm, just put it into "official name" tag, but not
under the "name" (common name tag). and it is distructive and
counterproductive to osm to put bureacratic nonsense names or eliminate the
common names from the visible paths or anything else in osm. regardless of
the technicalities of tags and pretensions of bureacrats, the end result
must be that "common names" of the elements in osm must be clearly visible
in the link in order to be automatically and
directly useful to millions of users of gps apps, etc. that do not create
their own maps, but use updated directly
online or offline. Thank you

On 2017-03-09 09:39:29 UTC AlfredoSP wrote:


let clarify a bit what I meant. There is no private association or
bureaucratic cadasters here behind my notes. What I was referring to are
osm mappers rules accepted and documented in the wiki by the community. The
wiki that was set up in cooperation with the CAI (Club Alpino Italiano) has
gone through the best practices of osm.

There is no intention to limit any action here, it was just to highlight
that there are accepted rules to map those objects because osm is not a
map, it's a database. The map is something that you build on top of it like
this one!37.7487!15.0119

Adding objects using the wrong tags just because they are visible in the
main page of osm is what is called "mapping for the rendering" that is
generally considered a bad practice. Using the right tags will get the best
out of you efforts.

If you don't have time or will to follow those rules to me it's not the end
of world, somebody else going it that area will fix the problems sooner or
later, it's just that it would be nice to leverage you efforts in the best
way possible.

Thanks anyway for your mapping effort.


Thank you for your note, but the issue here is that a map, oms maps in this
case, must serve to help all users orient themsevels in an easy and clear
way. oms is not restrained by private associations or useless bureacratic
catasters, as they are inappropriate for the easy to use user oriented
purpuse of the oms. the isolated paths in the mountain you are refering to,
must have a meaningful name or description to help the user in an immediate
fashion and be visibly useful to the oms user. it is completely useless to
hide names under hidden tags, and of course the isolated mountain paths, as
difficult as it is to orient users in the middle of a mountain, cannot be
left without meaningful visible names and indications, as one of the
greatest uses of oms are its combination with gps usage software. so in
this case, the osm map of the etna must be drawn in such a way as to allow
any user to go anywhere in the etna without any difficulty.

2017-03-08 16:50 GMT+01:00 <>:

> Buongiorno,
> ci sta, o ci รจ stato in questi giorni, un utente che nella zona dell'Etna,
> sopratutto nella sentieristica ha combinato qualche pasticcio.
> Come fare?
> pare che non ha variato i tracciati, ma ha inserito molti nomi che possono
> dare rappresentazioni non proprio esatte.
> Come fare?
> io sono qualcosa di meno ferrato di un niubie.
> Grazie
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