Hi Giorgio,

On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 6:00 PM, Giorgio Limonta <giorgio.limont...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 5, 2018, Andrea Musuruane musur...@gmail.com wrote:
> Ciao Giorgio,
>> I always find your e-mails in the spam folder because the "message has a
>> from address in yahoo.it but has failed yahoo.it's required tests for
>> authentication".
> I am apologize, I try with my google mail account
It's better. Thank you.

>> You didn't provide any documentation at that time. It was just a single
>> mail about a possible import. You then disappeared for about 3 and a half
>> months.
> You right but please consider that for me was not so easy to describe the
> import plan to the Municipality of Sabbioneta (what is OSM, why it’s
> important to share the information, etc.) and after this to obtain the
> license.
I know it's not simple and I really thank you for what you achieved.

> I do believe it's not a complex import but the review process is performed
>> to find possible issues and avoid later troubles with bad imported data
>> (and I already found out some problems with your translated data). There is
>> no need to rush :-)
> Ok I understand, I’ll go slower, I just hope not to stop ;) About this I
> am really sorry for all this mails but I thought that the import procedure
> was less complicated because it's my first -and maybe the last- time that I
> propose an import. At last I just want to underline that it's very
> important for the goals of our projects because the OSM map don't have
> building in the UNESCO site (otherwise I wouldn't ever had propose an
> import process).
I understand this is your first import (and I definitely hope it's not your
last!). It's really difficult to get things right the first time. Imports
are not easy tasks - there are so much things to pay attention to.

I find your goal valuable. Having buildings for Sabbioneta (BTW, it's nice
place I visited some moons ago :-)) in OSM is definitely welcome.

>  The "About & Goals" chapter you use past tenses but most of the actions
> still have to happen.

> The "Schedule" chapter is missing.
Fine, but English can be improved:

*The Municipality of Sabbioneta released a written permission in December
2017 stating it allows works derived from the "Carta Tecnica Comunale" to
be distributed under the ODbL. My aim is to upload building data by the end
of February 2018. *

> "Import Type" section in "Import Data" chapter is missing. You should
>> likely say your import is a one-time import, you won't use automated
>> scripts, all the tags will be entered manually and data will be imported in
>> the OSM database using JOSM.
> I hope that everything is clearer now
Yes, much better, thanks.

English can be improved:
*This is a one-time import. The dataset will be uploaded as a single
changeset without using an automated script. All the tags will be entered
manually and the dataset will be uploaded using JOSM.*

> You should upload the original dataset.
> I can't. the Municipality license it's just to extract the data and share
> throught Osm.
I think it's fine but, if possible, I'd like to have a more authoritative
(i.e. legal) opinion about this: we can't see the source data set but we're
allowed to derive works from it.

> "Data license" should link to a text copy of the ODbL.
>> "Type of license" should be "ODbL".
> Done (I hope)
This is strictly linked with the previous point.

*Data license:* *proprietary* (owned by the Municipality of Sabbioneta)


*ODbL Compliance verified:* Municipality of Sabbioneta has agreed to
license *derived* data under the ODbL

>> It's fine for me, but please note that you have entered an unwanted space
>> in the wiki (source= Comune di Sabbioneta - Carta Tecnica Comunale).
> Fixed.

>> As I said, I strongly encourage to use them.
>> Source data license is not implied. Different data sources can be
>> distributed under different licenses.
>> I noticed that logging in is required to download the data. This is not
>> very friendly towards people without a gmail account. Can you please remove
>> this limitation?
> I move it in Dropbox hope it's better.
> Yes, thanks.

> The data still have some issue:
>> - adjacent buildings that are not connected
>> - a building has self-intersecting ways
> Fix it, sorry Josm marked as Advertising and I ignored them.

JOSM validator still shows two warnings you must address.

> - churches are tagged with "denominati" (it should be denomination)
> Yes sorry was a mistake depending to the shp field name limitation...
Now the OSM file has both the "denominati"  and " "denomination" tags :-(

> - bell towers are tagged with man_made=campanile (shouldn't it be
>> man_made=tower + tower:type=bell_tower?) and without the building tag. See
>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:tower:type%3Dbell_tower
> I found it in the wiki https://wiki.openstreetmap.org
> /wiki/Tag:man_made%3Dcampanile
This has been discussed in the past in the talk-it ML.

The tag man_made=campanile is documented in the wiki but is used only 791
times. Moreover the picture refers to the Swedish Klockstapel which is
completely different from a "campanile". The normal tagging for a campanile
is man_made=tower + tower:type= bell_tower (used 10595 times). Even the
man_made=campanile wiki page suggest to use this tagging.

> some buildings are split in different parts (still tagged as building=*)
>> and you assign different heights to them. I'm not an expert about this but
>> it seems this is not the right procedure. Please read
>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:height#Height_of_buildings and
>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Simple_3D_buildings
> Was identified all single buildings that have different height to add in a
> future mapping phase other tag to improve the detail map (level, color,
> roof_,shape, etc.). That was made with a manually split procedure but I
> have splited only the building (not the building part).
Your tagging is wrong. Look at the following example.

[image: Inline image 1]

This is a house. It is a single building. This also means you should have
only one building tag on the building outline.

But you made two buildings (i.e. with two building tags): one for the lower
part (a multi polygon) and one for the higher part (a closed way). But
different parts must be tagged with building:part as explained on

> I have some troubles with your conflation phase which is summarized as
>> "Merge the tag and the history of the existing features through the JOSM
>> Utilsplugin2 plugin;".  It's not clear, at least to me, how Utilsplugin2 is
>> helpful in this context. I suppose (because you didn't write it) you'll use
>> the "Copy tags from previous selection (Shift+R)" feature.
> That was my original plan
>> BTW, isn't it simpler and less error prone to use the "More Tools ->
>> Replace geometry" tool?
> That was a suggestion from the talk-it, but I will return to my original
> plan.
Your plan now is "Merge the tags from the existing features using the "Copy
selected key(s)/Value(s)" and the "Past tag" tools;"

Please use the "More Tools -> Replace geometry" tool. You have to select
the new feature (e.g. the one derived from the CTC) and the current
feature. The tool will preserve the feature history (which is really
recommanded), it will merge the tags (prompting you to resolve possible
conflicts) and it will use the new geometry - all in one shot.

> QA phase is still missing. Do you plan to use some kind of validator
>> (e.g.. JOSM validator)? When? Do you plan to do some kind of post import
>> verification? How?
> QA it's made. As I wrote above after the import I will work a lot on the
> Sabbioneta area so I will verification and monitoring all the changeset and
> I will any potential mistakes.
Right now the plan is "The Topology Checker QGIS Plugin and the Josm
validator to prevent most problems before uploading the data."

Please add something about what you will do *after* the import. For
example, you can use again the JOSM validator (on the whole OSM data and
not only on the buildings) and/or use Osmose.

BTW, how will you merge POI on nodes and POI on buildings? For example the
Teatro Olimpico and the townhall?

If you struggle to follow this thread in English, we can continue in
Italian on the talk-it mailing list.


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