I saw that mapper "171838 argrath" is on this list of rejecting users:

Has anyone talked to him?
I think this would cause a lot of imported data to be deleted, if I don't


2011/7/21 Shu Higashi <s_hig...@mua.biglobe.ne.jp>

> 東です。
> ライセンスワーキンググループから
> 新しい投稿規約/ODbLを明示的に拒否した投稿者のデータについて
> 自分の地域の状況確認と、そのデータの書き換えについて
> の呼びかけがありましたのでお知らせします。
> 手順:
> Potlatch2やJOSMのlicensechangeプラグインで自分の住む地域のデータを開き、ライセンス変更を拒否したユーザのデータがあった場合には
> その地域についての自分の知識や何らかの問題の無いソースに基づき、そのデータを新たに書き換えましょう、
> という呼びかけです。
> reconcileというキーワードが出てきますが、互換を取り直す、つまりODbL互換のデータに切り替えて行くことを指すようです。
> 時間と能力の不足で全文を訳せないので、詳細は下記原文を参照下さい。
> 初めてやることなので、急いでやるというより、不明点があればこのMLで意見交換しながら進めると良いように思います。
> 現在のフェーズはこちら。
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Open_Database_License/Implementation_Plan#.E3.83.95.E3.82.A7.E3.83.BC.E3.82.BA_4_-_.22.E6.8B.92.E5.90.A6.22.E3.82.A2.E3.82.AB.E3.82.A6.E3.83.B3.E3.83.88.E3.81.AF.E9.9D.9E.E6.B4.BB.E6.80.A7.E5.8C.96.E3.81.95.E3.82.8C.E3.81.BE.E3.81.99.E3.80.82_.28.E3.83.95.E3.82.A7.E3.83.BC.E3.82.BA_3_.2B_.E5.B0.91.E3.81.AA.E3.81.8F.E3.81.A8.E3.82.828.E9.80.B1_.E3.82.AF.E3.83.AA.E3.83.86.E3.82.A3.E3.82.AB.E3.83.AB.E3.83.BB.E3.83.9E.E3.82.B9.E3.82.92.E5.89.8D.E6.8F.90.E3.81.AB.29
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com>
> Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 12:49:03 -0400
> Subject: [OSM-talk] Data reconciliation. Removing CT/ODbL declined users.
> To: t...@openstreetmap.org
> Dear All,
> The License Working Group takes the position that it is now
> appropriate to begin reconciling the data touched by users who have
> explicitly declined CT/ODbL.  LWG feels that those users who have not
> responded should have a grace period of another week or two.  You can
> find the list of usernames that have declined here.
> http://fred.dev.openstreetmap.org/license/  This page is updated every
> hour.
> As always, map areas that you know well and in small pieces.  At this
> point don't remove non-compliant data unless you are replacing it;
> another mapper may be able to replace it from local knowledge or
> survey.  Bulk edits and or automated edits and or bots to reconcile
> non-compliant data are not welcome without previous, detailed
> discussion on the dev@ and or imports@ lists.  Share your experiences
> to find the most effective workflows for improving OpenStreetMap data
> quality.
> - Check your local mapping area for data that is not completely
> CT/ODbL compliant.  In Potlatch2, choose Options, and check "Show
> license status".  There is also a licensechange plugin for JOSM.
> - Consider sending personal messages before you edit to those who have
> not accepted or those who have declined based on your judgement.  Some
> users have declined and indicated on their user pages that they will
> not reconsider.  We do not wish to send unwelcome or duplicate
> messages.  See also
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Asking_users_to_accept_the_ODbL
> - Replace the data of users who have explicitly declined CT/ODbL with
> your own contributions from survey and other acceptable sources.
> - While this initial stage is focused on replacing data touched by
> users who have explicitly declined, you might find data touched by
> users who have not yet responded.  We leave it to your judgement to
> replace that data now or wait another week or two.
> Once you begin replacing data, check on a regular basis whether the
> user in question hasn't changed his/her mind and has accepted CT/ODbL.
> You can look at http://fred.dev.openstreetmap.org/license/, this is
> updated every hour.
> Best regards,
> Richard Weait,
> on behalf of the License Working Group.
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