
"emergency=defibrillator" が優勢みたいです。


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pieren <pier...@gmail.com>
Date: 2013/12/16
Subject: [Tagging] "vote" results about aed/defibrillator
To: tagg...@openstreetmap.org

Seven weeks after the 2nd "vote" ([1]) started about the best tag for
defibrillators, we get the following results:

10 for "emergency=aed"
1 for "emergency=AED"
24 for "emergency=defibrillator"
4 for "emergency=automated_external_defibrillator"

The new "emergency=defibrillator" is leading. The feedbacks indicate
that the documentation should clarify its default usage (reserved for
'automated and external defibrillators'). In other cases,
defibrillators are normally not accessible to the public. But just in
case someone is going to map such devices, we should add a subtag like
e.g. "defibrillator=manual" (+"access=no"). Something I can add in the
wiki when it's moved properly out of the proposal section.
But more important for me, the discussions show that "aed" is more
popular and known in some countries where, in opposite, it is
completely unknown in others. Either it's translated to the local
"defibrillator" word or is known with a different abbreviation like
"dea" or "dae". The tag "defibrillator" is probably more
understandable and less error-prone internationaly but not in some
countries where "aed" would be better.
That's why I'm considering if we could accept in the futur both values
"aed" and "defibrillator" equally and document them as such in the
wiki. But editors presets should give the preference to the more
international version "defibrillator". Your opinion ?



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