KOGL has 4 types, 1 (equivalent of CC BY) / 2 (CC BY NC) / 3 (CC BY ND) / 4 
(CC BY NC ND).[1]

So, type 1 is basically similar to the CC BY license. Treat it like the CC BY.

[1]: https://www.kogl.or.kr/info/license.do#05-tab

나의 iPhone에서 보냄

> 2020. 7. 16. 22:27, Faustin Pegeot <fpeg...@gmail.com> 작성:
> Hi,
> I noticed that the Seoul bike (따릉이) infrastructure near me was missing
> from OpenStreetMap. I managed to download the existing OSM data using
> https://overpass-turbo.eu/# (searching for tag amenity=bicycle_rental)
> and I found only 131 existing stations.
> In parallel, I got official data from
> https://www.data.go.kr/data/15051893/fileData.do and they report 1540
> stations. The data is complete, with name, latitude, longitude, bike
> capacity and everything. I managed to load the whole data into a
> data-frame with Python and sanity-check it all and it all looks fine.
> For those who want to see it, I attached all the data on my GitHub @
> https://github.com/mistrpopo/osm_ddareungi/blob/master/osm_ddareungi_compare.txt
> I am still in the process of comparing the two data sets to see
> whether they align well with the rest of the infrastructure (don't
> want to get bike stations in the middle of the street), but it looks
> promising so I want to start discussing the possibility of doing a
> mass import.
> Regarding licencing compatibility, the data is licenced under :
> - CC-BY
> - KOGL (Korean Open Government Licence) type 1. (in Korean 공공누리)
> From what I gathered, CC-BY is not fully compatible with OSM terms :
> https://blog.openstreetmap.org/2017/03/17/use-of-cc-by-data/
> Regarding KOGL type 1, here is an english version of the licence :
> https://www.mcst.go.kr/kor/s_open/kogl/koglType.jsp?pTab=05
> And here is a guide on licence compatibility for OGL-based licences :
> https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Licence/Licence_Compatibility#Open_Government_Licence_.28OGL.29_based_licences
> I don't have any experience with licences, so I am not sure where to
> continue from here. It sounds like we can use the data under KOGL
> licence (on the condition that we cite the source, which we will do
> under https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Catalogue ).
> If not, I understand that I must require explicit permission. I also
> have the contact details for the Korean "Open Data Portal" :
> - tel :  공공데이터 개방문의 1566-0025
> - email : opendata_h...@nia.or.kr
> However, my Korean is sketchy and I am not sure whether they speak
> english, therefore if a native person could contact them, that would
> be great. I am not sure how many active users there are in Korea ...
> but if there are, please get in touch!
> Thank you
> Faustin
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