I'm using tertiary and secondary for the larger roads inside a
city/town: the 'singel' in Enschede is a major traffic way and is more
important then the roads in the suburban areas. But even in those
residential areas, there are roads that count as a preferred way to be
used in route planning. Those roads are tagged by me as tertiary. Other
roads are residential. Roads that are small and not really designed for
motor traffic are classified as unclassified (you can drive there but
you only want to go there if there is no other route).

The separation in roads is low and hard to distinguish but it is
important to get it right imho. I plan to use the data to use in a
homebrew route planner. This will only work properly if the map contains
level info like I just explained. Otherwise you will get routes through
residential areas because its shorter (which will only take longer due
to traffic and road bumps etc) - and effectively render it useless.

For the people complaining about how it gets rendered: it not a matter
of how it looks (that can be altered) but if the data has value. By
degrading all roads in residential areas to residential or unclassified
you effectively kill any opportunity to use the data for anything else
than render pretty pictures....

Just my 2 cents...


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