Simone is 'consulting member' van de OSMF. En de discussie is in Italie 
wat heftiger, omdat zij nogal wat data te importeren hebben.

-------- Original Message --------
Dear Andy Robinson secretary of the OpenStreetMap Foundation,
and dear all the board and board-at-large/team of OSMF,

We are writing on behalf of many Italian contributors to
openstreetmap, there is some fear of uncertainly.

People are concerned about the lack of information on the
new license, which is is said will be revealed by the Foundation in
the coming weeks.

Since this is a fundamental change in the relationship between the
contributors and the Project, we believe that the license that has
been drafted by the legal team should be submitted to the same
userbase so they can analyze it carefully and highlight any problems
that might have not been considered by the team itself.

Furthermore, under Italian law, a non-translated licence, one that is
not translated into the language of the Country is not valid and it
may subsequently be challenged in court at any time.

In recent months, the silence that has accompanied the license has
given rise to many doubts. The license is a fundamental stone of the
project and we wish not to hurry to come to a conclusion, and lose
sight of its true purpose. Which is to help OSM grow better in the

We ask you then to make the draft public now, as of the latest
revision, so that it can be translated at least in the major languages
(please note that in many European legislations only a contract signed
in a language known to the person signing it has a legal status), at
least French, German and Spanish. Then Italian, Chinese, Russian and

This publication will be allowed in the national mailing lists for one
month after which the comments are collected and analyzed for further
drafting of the license.

The OpenStreetMap foundation should be an example of transparency and
it seems rather obscure lately, giving out the impression that it
wants to keep everything hidden up to the last second.

Additionally we would like to see financial records of the Foundation
published on the website, as well a list of the OpenStreeMap
Foundation members.

Simone Cortesi & Edoardo Marascalchi

Talk-nl mailing list

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