Jim Morgan wrote:
> Ronny Ager-Wick - Develo Ltd. wrote, On Wednesday, 19 August, 2009 10:16 AM:
>> Yep, TangoGPS is good stuff! I got the stable version from their
>> website. Tried it this morning on a short walk. 
> Taking your laptop for a walk ... might be considered as a bit nerdy by some 
> ... :-)
You're joking! I find that perfectly normal :)
Not only that, I was actually walking with my two children as well, one
in the stroller (which had a perfect place for the eee on top, exactly
where I wanted it) and one beside it, who constantly wanted to see the
route we had walked as well. You can imagine explaining the urban canyon
effect to a 3 year old :)
>> I am trying to get mtkbabel (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mtkbabel/)
>> to download tracks from it 
> I seem to recall gpsbabel may help you out here getting the tracks off the 
> unit. If you're lucky and its in a format it understands ... Otherwise I 
> guess it wouldn't be too horrible to install the connection software on a 
> windows box which you could use when you need to pull off data files. 
Reading the docs of gpsbabel revealed that you can only download tracks
via USB cable. I've been trying to do it over bluetooth, so that
explains why I've been out of luck so far. First quick test leaves still
no joy, but this is a work in progress :)
I want to avoid having to maintain a windows box, even on a virtual
machine, just to download GPS tracks. I know that would be a simple
solution, but I'm looking for a good solution, not just *a* solution.
Progress doesn't happen by giving up - that's my excuse :)
The idea is that if I'm on a long trip, I can download the tracks to the
eee when the logger is getting full.
>> I got josm working fine, but I'm a bit unfomfortable with it yet. 
> It really needs a bigger screen than the eeepc to use it well. Same with 
> Mercaartor. So it might be better to use these editors when you're back at 
> home rather than in the field. 
Yep, you're probably right. josm hardly fits on the screen actually,
even after removing the button bar.

> Jim
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