
after a long break from OSM I discoverd the "keep right" website.


For those that don't know. And seeing so many errors spurred me into action 
again. Of course that was before reading this.
As for highway=unclassified, I don't see this of much use in the
Philippines.  Unclassified is a legal UK road type and not some road
we don't know the proper class.

"No administrative classification. Unclassified roads typically form
the lowest form of the interconnecting grid network.
Note: This is not a marker for roads where we still need to choose a
highway tag (see highway=road for roads that require classification).

For people tracing from sat images but are unsure of the actual road
type please use highway=road

Whilst editing errors I changed some from type "road" to "unclassified"

Using type "road" causes 3 problems.

1 The road type is not recognised by JOSM (so it reports errors)

2 Roads of type "road" are not rendered on maps, so I have had to fix roads 
where someone has traced a road using the SPOT5 data, thinking that the road 
was not already in the database, causing the road to be entered twice. Wasting 
peoples time and effort.

3 Routing software will not recognize the roads, and so won't route along them. 
I would rather travel along an incorrectly classified road, rather than have no 
route to a destination.

Just my 2 centavos

Cheers, Ian

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