Hi Noli,

I'm still not sure what kind of app you want to do.

Are you developing an app that will:

1. do geocoding and/or reverse geocoding using currently existing data
in the OSM database?

2. or help in increasing the geocoding-related data in the OSM database?

3. or both?

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 10:20 AM, Noli Sicad <nsi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Maning,
>> Not yet, you can ignore the housenumber or input any number in the
>> textbox to go to the street search.
> OK. it is capable to search the house number, if there is a data.
> Is it separate entry for the number?
>> Your project looks good, how do you plan to integrate this dbase into
>> osm?  AFAIK, there is an agreed code of conduct in OSM not to upload
>> any data in bulk by a single bot/user.
> I am planning to have a separate postgresql server, not use the OSM at
> the moment. I need help on this server. If I can not find a free
> server, I think I need to find a internet service provider with 24//7
> postgresql server.
> The postgresql server just need one database and one table i.e. Street
> Street (
> id
> Latitute
> Longitute
> StreetNo
> StreetName
> Place? <--------- for city and towns but I think no really
> Users?* <----- default - Juan dela Cruz  :-), Anonymous
> )
> * Good for statistics for contributors.
> The iphone app users will just input the StreetNo and StreetName. That it.
>> If this is the case you need
>> to provide a mechanism wherein your app users has their own OSM
>> account.  Good luck!
> I think we don't want the users to get OSM accounts,less work for them
> the better. Just the just street number and street names are good
> enough.
> However, we will find a mechanism how to integrate this latter on.
> Any other suggestions how can make this project going.
> I will register as Apple developer and have this as my first app :-).
> Thanks.
> Regards, Noli
>> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 8:47 AM, Noli Sicad <nsi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Maning,
>>> Is POI for streetnames would be able to find / distinguish street
>>> number and street name?
>>> eg. 1 EDSA from 999 EDSA.
>>> The reason I am asking this, I am planning to develop iPhone app that
>>> acquires the location (lat/long) auto and StreetName (i.e. Street
>>> number + Street number) (-- i.e. only input by the users) and send to
>>> Postgresql server.
>>> It would be a FREE apps in Apple App Store.
>>> Objective
>>> 1. Geocode Philippine Streets for OSMPHGP and others
>>> 2.  Acquire Street Names for OSM-Ph.
>>> Android? Later on :-)
>>> Tools.
>>> 1. Route-Me for iOS (FOSS library)
>>> 2. PostgreSQL
>>> Anybody interested and like to help?
>>> Noli
>>> On 2/14/11, maning sambale <emmanuel.samb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am currently testing the street and address indexing for the garmin
>>>> map.  This is a long time wanted feature for our garmin maps.
>>>> On the current map, newer models like nuvis cannot use the "Where to"
>>>>> "Address" option.  This is possible for older models like etrex and
>>>> venture by compiling the map via Mapsource.  As a workaround, we
>>>> converted the street as a POI in order to search for the streetnames.
>>>> Just today, I compiled a new map and its works! [1].  There are a
>>>> couple of bugs though, but basically, you can now use the  "Where to"
>>>>> "Address" to search for streets.
>>>> We need more tests before public distribution.  If you want to test
>>>> please download the maps here:
>>>> for mapsource -
>>>> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/607635/osm-ph_gps_maps/index_ver/osmph_winmapsource_index.exe
>>>> for mac roadtrip or basecamp -
>>>> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/607635/osm-ph_gps_maps/index_ver/osmph_macroadtrip_index.zip
>>>> Please report any problems so that we can isolate whether it is a data
>>>> or a compiler issue.  Enjoy bug hunting!
>>>> [1]
>>>> http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=1894761334210&set=a.1207655236987.2033026.1396878922
>>>> --
>>>> cheers,
>>>> maning
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------
>>>> "Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
>>>> wiki: http://esambale.wikispaces.com/
>>>> blog: http://epsg4253.wordpress.com/
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>> --
>> cheers,
>> maning
>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> "Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
>> wiki: http://esambale.wikispaces.com/
>> blog: http://epsg4253.wordpress.com/
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