Hello mappers,

I wanted to send a note and let everyone know there will a significant
effort this Friday April 18th to map Davao City and General Santos.
 Students from the George Washington University Geography department will
be working with USAID to replicate the great mapping work they did last
fall in 
 As it turns out, the students who were taught OSM for this project were
then able to used their new skills and helped map during the Haiyan
response.  For this project we noticed there wasn't much mapping happening
in these PH cities, and for grading purposes its better to start with a
clean area.  Tasks have been created in the Tasking Manager with (GWU
Mapathon) following the title.  Changesets "#GWU #USAID" will be used and
the class will focus on creating buildings, roads, and other

We are very interested in linking this work with local universities or
volunteers on the ground who could populate attributes.  In Kathmandu we
worked with Kathmandu Living Labs <http://www.kathmandulivinglabs.org/>who
was able to add precise details about all the schools and hospitals in the
city.  Please let us know if you have ideas on volunteers who may be
willing to do some field work.

Thank you,

*Chad Blevins*
U.S. Global Development Lab
talk-ph mailing list

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