Thanks Chad for announcing this initiative.

For those interested at GWU Geography Department's initiative, check
out this cool presentation:

Lots of ideas local universities here can adopt.

@Chad, we have active mappers in Davao and also works with a
university.  Maybe they can respond to your requests.
For General Santos, will ask local contacts (not Manny Pacquiao) and
will revert to you once I get a response.

On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 9:27 AM, Chad Blevins <> wrote:
> Hello mappers,
> I wanted to send a note and let everyone know there will a significant
> effort this Friday April 18th to map Davao City and General Santos.
> Students from the George Washington University Geography department will be
> working with USAID to replicate the great mapping work they did last fall in
> Kathmandu.  As it turns out, the students who were taught OSM for this
> project were then able to used their new skills and helped map during the
> Haiyan response.  For this project we noticed there wasn’t much mapping
> happening in these PH cities, and for grading purposes its better to start
> with a clean area.  Tasks have been created in the Tasking Manager with (GWU
> Mapathon) following the title.  Changesets “#GWU #USAID” will be used and
> the class will focus on creating buildings, roads, and other infrastructure.
> We are very interested in linking this work with local universities or
> volunteers on the ground who could populate attributes.  In Kathmandu we
> worked with Kathmandu Living Labs who was able to add precise details about
> all the schools and hospitals in the city.  Please let us know if you have
> ideas on volunteers who may be willing to do some field work.
> Thank you,
> Chad Blevins
> GeoCenter
> U.S. Global Development Lab
> 703-220-8513
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