> A question raised during our workshops, which was also about the mapping of
> critical infrastructure, was tagging emergency buildings that are used as an
> evacuation center during an emergency, could be normal school buildings,
> what kind of tags do you usually use for these objects? I could not find
> them in the mapping conventions for the Philippines or in the Int. feature
> list.
Will respond to this in the other mail by Nick.

> Regarding the mailing list, I think both the international as the Philippine
> based lists are really useful! I was wondering if regarding Q&A's a message
> board could be more effective, that could prevent newbies like me from
> asking the same questions every now or then:). I found this
> http://forum.openstreetmap.org, maybe we can also use this one for mapping
> in the Philippines?
You've raised an important concern regarding communications
(especially to newbies) related to PH mapping related questions.
By default, we use this mailinglist and the wiki, but, as you've said
(including others who pointed out this as well), sometimes,
mailinglist is not the best way for newbie mappers.  Mailinglist seems
to be too geeky for most people.

Personally, I get a lot of OSM questions from the osm messaging
facility, direct email and facebook messages
Should we revive the discussion again to use the forums?

"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
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