Hi Ronny,
for the refs that are not implemented yet (ie no signs on the road), you could 
convert to ref:phThis way, it would keep the reference and it would be easy 
later to convert back. 

On the map, both the ref and the road name are showed. I am not sure that the 
name will be showed by the routing applications if you remove the ref. You will 
see the result if you look at areas where there is no ref.
About the roundabout in the calculator, we see in this link that small segments 
with no names are reported as unamed.  
You could try to discuss on the osm main list about this reporting how this new 
routing feature could be enhanced.

      De : Ronny Ager-Wick <ro...@ager-wick.com>
 À : Pierre Béland <pierz...@yahoo.fr>; Eugene Alvin Villar <sea...@gmail.com> 
Cc : OSM-PH <talk-ph@openstreetmap.org> 
 Envoyé le : Mercredi 18 février 2015 22h01
 Objet : Re: [talk-ph] Tagging bridges and tunnels
 Hi, Pierre,
 Thanks for the reply. It seems to me that when a road has a ref tag, the 
itinerary calculator generally ignores street names, including the one given to 
the Abacan Bridge. This may make sense in Europe and the US, but here it's 
actually quite confusing.
 The ref (R-9 fo MacArthur Highway) is generally not used outside of the 
mapping community, and hardly within I believe. If I ask 500 random people on 
the street in Angeles City where R-9 or R-8 is, I doubt a single one would 
know. Furthermore, I can't remember seeing a single sign along a road stating 
the ref. The ideal displayed name for this road would be "MacArthur Highway" - 
that's what everyone calls it. Same for R-9, which is known as "NLEX", or 
simply "the expressway". Is there a way to make that happen, but still not tag 
for display purposes? Could we simply remove the ref tag entirely, maybe 
renaming it to "future_ref" or something awaiting the local government actually 
putting up signs so that people are aware of it (likely to take decades)? If 
we're supposed to map reality, the ref tag, at least outside of Metro Manila, 
does not reflect it at the moment.
 Also, the itinerary calculator unfortunately doesn't seem to handle 
roundabouts very well. Or are they incorrectly tagged? If I was to give that 
itinerary description to someone, I am sure they would get lost, as I can 
hardly think of a more complicated way to describe an essentially straight 
piece of road. Knowing I might  have been tagging incorrectly in this area 
myself, is there any way we could tag this differently to improve the routing?
 Ideally this stretch would be described as:
 Follow MacArthur Highway
 Turn slight right onto Abacan Bridge
 Turn slight left onto MacArthur Highway (or better, "Take 3rd exit in the 
roundabout onto MacArthur Highway", but this may be hard if the routing 
software doesn't know it's a roundabout...)
 Reach destination.
 On 2015-02-19 09:33, Pierre Béland wrote:

  Hi Ronny, 
  I thought of using the new itinary calculation crossing the  Abacan bridge. I 
can see from the map in this area that in Philippines, like elsewhere, ref tag 
is used for roads (here ref=R-9). See the link for the itinary 
  With OSRM, it does show the ref-R-9 but do not report bridge crossing. With 
Mapquest, there is even less info. 
  I wonder if OSMAnd on Android or any other road calculation software would 
report bridge crossing. 
      De : Ronny Ager-Wick <ro...@ager-wick.com>
 À : Eugene Alvin Villar <sea...@gmail.com>; Pierre Béland <pierz...@yahoo.fr> 
 Cc : OSM-PH <talk-ph@openstreetmap.org> 
 Envoyé le : Mercredi 18 février 2015 20h18
 Objet : Re: [talk-ph] Tagging bridges and tunnels
   This is a good point Eugene, and in fact the bridge names are very good 
landmarks, given that there are not many other signs on the roads in the 
Philippines, especially in rural areas. Another thing to take into 
consideration is that many bridges gain their name from the river they cross 
over, so there may be many bridges with the same name. They are definitely not 
tagged consistently at the moment, for example:
 If I remember correctly, they are both named Abacan Bridge, but only one of 
them has that name on the map, and incidentally the one with a different road 
name on each side does not.
 Do you know if common routing software will pick up the bridge:name=* tag?
 Yes, I know we're not supposed to tag based on what current software will pick 
up, but it is interesting to know, given that bridges are such great landmarks.
 It would be great with a published suggested standard that fits the Philippine 
 On 2015-02-19 08:08, Eugene Alvin Villar wrote:
    Hi Pierre,
  Most bridges here in the Philippines have names no matter how small. You can 
usually spot their name on the guard rail or on a small sign just before the 
bridge. These names are almost always accompanied by the maximum  load the 
bridge can handle (which is tagged using maxweight=*) and sometimes with the 
distance from the island's zero-kilometer marker (I have no idea how to tag 
these. Maybe distance=*?).
  Some examples:
 On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 1:59 AM, Pierre Béland <pierz...@yahoo.fr> wrote:
  I expect that only the major bridges have name. And we generally refer to 
these by their name  and not the road reference. Unless you have 
particularities in Philippines. Example Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco 
bay. OpenStreetMap | ‪Golden Gate Bridge‬ (‪52477381‬)
      De : Eugene Alvin Villar <sea...@gmail.com>
 À : Ervin Malicdem <schad...@gmail.com> 
 Cc : OSM-PH <talk-ph@openstreetmap.org> 
 Envoyé le : Mercredi 18 février 2015 12h35
 Objet : Re: [talk-ph] Tagging bridges and tunnels
      Hi Ervin,
  Option 1 is what I do.
  Take note that if we have a way with  highway=something and bridge=yes, then 
the object is primarily a  highway/road and the bridge is only an aspect or 
property of the highway/road segment. Therefore, the name=*  tag should be the 
name of the highway/road. And then put the name of the bridge on the 
bridge:name=* tag.
  Besides, it will be very weird to have a long  highway with unconnected names 
just because there are bridges along the  highway.
 The only time I would put the name of the bridge on  the name=* tag is if the 
roads from both ends of the bridge have different  names. For example, the 
bridge formerly called Del  Pan in Manila: www.openstreetmap.org/way/4304674
 On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 5:34 PM, Ervin Malicdem <schad...@gmail.com> wrote:
       Query regarding tagging  bridges.
  What is the appropriate  way of tagging bridges?
  Option1: Use the name of  the road, and place the name of the bridge  under 
bridge:name or  the name of the tunnel under  tunnel:name
  Option2: Use the name of the  bridge/tunnel, omit the road name
       Ervin M.
 Schadow1 Expeditions - A Filipino must not be a  stranger to his own 
motherland.  http://www.s1expeditions.com             
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