Thanks, I'll check them out.

On Sat, Jun 27, 2020 at 06:19 Glen Scott <> wrote:

> Hi Maning,
> Well, perhaps someone could help....
> I've dropped photos of the survey maps here:
> The plan was to reduce file size a bit, then stitch them together to get a
> less expansive view - to be able to focus on Barangay boundaries vs.
> features, rather than land lots.
> The survey is quite old (e.g I know of some street names and alignments
> that have changed) but the DENR chief of the licenses and deeds section at
> Alaminos told me this was the only survey done. As you can see, some of
> those prints are OLD! Apparently there are better copies elsewhere (another
> DENR office) but no digitisation.
> It would be great to edit what Vincent has put in there rather than
> totally remove what he's done. I just don't have the time right now -
> probably not for 6 months at least.
> The fallback would be to edit based on the Alaminos City hall maps - these
> are very large scale though - examples I sourced from the city hall
> attached here FYI.
> So the big chunk of work is to stitch the map photos together, but in a
> manageable size but with enough resolution to see features that peg
> boundary location.
> When I was first thinking of adding Barangay boundaries I had a look
> around at what was available online - nothing was consistent (wildly
> different in fact), and nothing matched the Alaminos City Hall maps. It's
> clear the city hall maps are based on the cadastral survey maps, and it's
> hard to imagine that these are not the correct boundaries.
> Cheers
> Glen
> On Sat, 27 Jun 2020 at 00:22, maning sambale <>
> wrote:
>> hi glen,
>> unfortunately I haven't had the time to stitch the cadastral set together
>>>> in electronic format to arrive at a more accurate border than the Alaminos
>>>> City Hall map, which is at quite a small scale
>> How can we help you get this done?
>>> --
>> Maning Sambale (mobile)
> --
Maning Sambale (mobile)
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