On 16/04/2022 13:02, Jherome Miguel wrote:
I just reported their two diary entries.

Back on the issue, do you mean we can't discount VJMEJ Planned and Open Paint Maps are the same person?

As ever, I'd suggest trying to engage with the mapper.

In this case http://resultmaps.neis-one.org/osm-discussion-comments?uid=15549478 has only one comment on it, and it merely says "you're wrong" - not even "hello".  This was on this mapper's first ever contribution to OSM - certainly before anyone can reasonably think that they were the same person as some other mapper.

However, Subsequent changeset comments by them (see http://resultmaps.neis-one.org/osm-discussion-comments?uid=15549478&commented ) and diary entries (see https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/VJMEJ%20Planned/diary ) suggest that they have a problem with you*1.

I appreciate that there has been a problem with "new accounts" in the Philippines that are performing the same sort of edits that don't match reality that are suspected of being related, but from the perspective of the DWG we need more to go on than one person saying "I think the DWG should ban this user".

Please, please, try and give new mappers the time and space to start mapping.  Don't immediately assume that they will "spoil the map".

Please also do not think that sending repeated emails and reports to the DWG that add no new information (or cc:ing me directly) will get your issue dealt with quicker.  If anything, it'll have the reverse effect.  Instead, please say "hello and welcome", and offer to help them doing whatever it is that they are doing.  If they are mapping things incorrectly, explain why it is wrong (don't just say that it is) and invite them to discuss how to map with the rest of the PH community.

Right now the thread https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-ph/2022-April/thread.html#6947 only has mails from you in it*2, so it appears not to be an especially important issue within the wider PH community.  Once these is more discussion (especially, changeset comments from other mappers) I'm sure that someone from the DWG will pick it up.

Best Regards,

Andy Townsend, from the Data Working Group

*1 visible at the time of writing.  Some of their diary entries have already been hidden.

*2 to be fair we have had one other issue report about this user.

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