espero que o teres revertido toda a tua contribuição no OSM não queira
dizer que vais parar de contribuir.
Infelizmente escolheste um tema complicado/complexo/polémico...
O OSM em Portugal precisa bastante de contribuidores de dados concretos e
físicos: ruas, pontos de interesse, dados de navegação, etc
Acho que a discussão em torno dos limites administrativos corre o risco de
desviar a atenção do que acho interessante no OSM: dados locais fiáveis e
Claro que cada um coça a sua pulga, e se calhar o que te motiva são os
limites 8-|
Se aplicares essa energia que pareces ter em mapear e completar tags com
informação recolhida localmente (em pessoa) por ti, a tua zona irá ficar um
brinco rapidamente :-)
VIctor Ferreira

On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 12:57 PM, Marcos Oliveira <> wrote:

> Olá a todos,
> A reversão terminou e foi um sucesso. Ao contrário do que anteriormente
> estipulei, o trabalho todo foi dividido em apenas cinco changesets. [1] [2]
> [3] [4] [5]
> O processo em si demorou cinco horas e meia a ser realizado. A maior parte
> deste feita entre as 02h30 e as 8h00 sendo que o changeset final (que
> consistia em 147 objetos) foi realizado às 12h05.
> Agora e durante os próximos dias irei procurar por erros ou dados que
> tenham ficado danificados.
> Também queria avisar que o único problema que surgiu desta reversão foi
> que alguns elementos de uma pequena cidade grega foram alterados. [6] A
> razão para tal acontecer foi mais provavelmente porque inseri erroneamente
> um changeset durante o processo de reversão.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> 2014-11-19 0:07 GMT+00:00 Marcos Oliveira <>:
>> Olá a todos,
>> Eu queria-vos dar a conhecer que enviei para o Data Working Group (DWG)
>> um e-mail sobre esta situação, assim como o pedido para reverter tudo o que
>> a minha conta de importação fez desde o dia que a criei.
>> Coloco abaixo a mensagem que enviei-lhes, na sua integra, para assim
>> todos terem o conhecimento do que eu escrevi.
>> Com toda a estima,
>> Marcos Oliveira
>> Data Working Group,
>>> Hello, I am Marcos Oliveira and I'm contacting you to discuss about a
>>> current problem that exists in the Portuguese OSM community where I am the
>>> sole responsible in question.
>>> The issue is regarding the alteration and addition of administrative
>>> boundaries and natural parks through my alternate account,
>>> ViriatoLusitano_import. [1]
>>> A user, Francisco, submitted a thread in the Portuguese mailing list [2]
>>> stating how I have been disrespecting the work of others by eliminating
>>> nodes, ways and relations, namely places and boundaries (administrative and
>>> natural parks), claiming that I've been doing outright vandalism. He also
>>> claims to have sent you an e-mail about this situation.
>>> Let me show you my version of the story. I want it to be explicitly
>>> known that I'm *not claiming* to be innocent, I admit I've done many
>>> things wrong but vandalizing is not one of them.
>>> Francisco brought forward three main issues that I've caused:
>>>    1. The deletion of ways and relations that other users have made
>>>    2. The modification of Portugal/Spain boundary
>>>    3. The removal of places, namely hamlets
>>> Regarding the first point, when I began working on manually importing
>>> administrative boundaries back on the 12th of September, I always tried
>>> working using the existing elements that were contributed by other people.
>>> The problem was that whenever I tried to upload the progress I've done
>>> (after successfully validating), there appeared conflicts in the data,
>>> sometimes in the hundreds.
>>> Since I didn't want to mess and probably ruin different types of data
>>> other than administrative boundaries, I opted to first remove the old
>>> boundaries where I later carefully imported my own work, without first
>>> contacting the Portuguese community about this.
>>> Just recently I have learned to use the "replace geometry" tool that the
>>> *utilsplugin2* plugin offers to conflate the data; now I can work
>>> without ever having to delete a way nor any relations whatsoever.
>>> Regarding the second point, while I was working near the boundary with
>>> Spain I found out that there were places where the boundary was erroneous:
>>> sometimes our (or their) territory was hundreds of meters away from were it
>>> was supposed to be.
>>> What I've done was, (again, I didn't want to cause any conflicts with
>>> the existing data), remove the old way while at the same time replacing it
>>> with one that followed official data from CAOP 2014 as well as it having
>>> all the tags it previously had, including relations that included said way.
>>> Again, in my ignorance, I disregarded it as something unimportant to
>>> discuss with the Portuguese and the Spanish community because I thoroughly
>>> checked every relation to see if I was not breaking anything.
>>> Regarding the third point, I removed a lot of hamlets, not because I
>>> didn't like them, but because I was suspicious they were bad data that was
>>> transcribed either from gpspostcode [3] (licence not compatible with OSM)
>>> or Google because a lot of hamlets had the exact same coordinates as the
>>> information provided by the entities I mentioned just now. Once again, I
>>> didn't discuss this removal with the community.
>>> I've always planned on replacing the data because I don't like removing
>>> data from OSM. I asked some family members that live in the same general
>>> area where the removals were made about the many hamlets that existed. As
>>> of now I've already received information for one municipality which I
>>> promptly edited back into OSM. [4]
>>> In short, I have removed existing data and replaced it with data that
>>> was 100% manually verified that was of same or better quality. The central
>>> problem is that I removed the history that contributors before me have
>>> made. This is a very big mistake I've done, I admit, but it is not
>>> vandalism.
>>> Having stated my arguments, I also come to you to ask permission for you
>>> to completely revert my import account in order to correct the mistakes
>>> I've done.
>>> A friendly contributor called naoliv, and I have been trying to find all
>>> day a way to successfully conflate the old, deleted data with the new,
>>> improved data that I've inserted. What we have found is that it is possible
>>> but will take a very long time and it is actually more time efficient to
>>> just revert all my edits and start anew, respecting the work of others and
>>> the wishes of the community as I should always have done.
>>> My motto is to help, not hurt the work of others.
>>> I'm deeply sorry for doing what I've done, it won't happen again.
>>> Yours sincerely,
>>> Marcos Oliveira aka. ViriatoLusitano
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
>>> [4]
>>> <>
> --
> Um Abraço,
> Marcos Oliveira
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